MoneySmart Tour Ch3: Financial Goal

Ever wish there was an easy way to convert “I want…” into “Let’s make a plan to make it happen…”?

If you plan ahead, you can use whatever cash flow is available to fund the projects that are important to you.  From new technology, to vacations, to a business launch, this one-page organizer helps you break down big goals into the tiny bites that you can knock back one bite at a time!

Especially useful to orient students and kids from “wishful thinking”, to step-by-step goal setting, planning, and the inherent value and expense of a complex goal.  This worksheet works especially well for repeated homeschool lessons as they relate to budgeting, finances, economics, and entrepreneurship skills like opportunity cost and long-term planning.

MoneySmart is an integrated system of solutions!

This exercise plugs neatly into the MoneySmart Chapter 2 Monthly budget and allocation of funds among a single savings account (Ch 6).  Large goals are broken into components, then it’s overall cost is divided among available cash flow over time.  Monthly payments can then be included in a budget to make even the largest and most fanciful dream goals “realistic and obtainable”.

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