
Hello, Subscriber!

In good form...

When you seek answers and solutions for why the "land of free and home of the brave" has looked so little like its former storied self, you find that there are some avenues of approach that might gain you some headway!
This week with our "Justice or Just-Us" education forum, clawing its way to becoming a podcast with your help, we shall look at one communication avenue as a pair of forms. The first [1], IRS Form 56 informs the Department of the Treasury and IRS that you are not in fact "lost at sea", not subject to "salvage", and that you are "alive and well and laying claim to your assets". You may not be familiar with that topic...
I know, if you aren't familiar with that topic, you're likely looking behind you thinking I have you confused with someone else. Nope... Since 1933 they've been telling us we the people are responsible for the debt and "obligations of the United States" (18 USC §8); a statement which isn't as simple or cut and dried as it seems.

The second [2] can be substituted for W-4 and W-9 forms (as I understand it thus far) where instead of being classified as "taxpayer", "trustee", and a "fellow-employee" of the federal government of the United States and subject to all the statutes, codes, and ordinances we the people put in place to keep them, our public servants in line, you are in fact the beneficiary of your estate and their services, as originally intended. "Things that make you go... Hmmm."

Now granted, those simplified explanations won't do justice to the degree of education you need to put such claims in place and defend them, however, the alternative is to remain under the thumb, under the boot, and subject to restriction, regulation, and responsibility which was never intended for you... but you've been suffering with anyway. That's why we host a discussion at 6 PM MST Thursday evenings, and why you're invited to come, hang, and ask questions or help provide answers.

We meet on Telegram Messaging in a group, which you can join [HERE]. Log in and find some of the notes in the group chat and timeline, listen to audio, or view the video of our recent forum discussions. Last week we discussed how and why your rights get routinely railroaded when you're "summoned" to court.
A presentation in coming weeks will rehearse the status and function of our public servants in office. How and why they are well outside the bounds of their "granted scope of authority" and how we the people might consider urging them to return to their original jurisdiction. The alternatives for malfeasance, misfeasance, and nonfeasance by comparison are somewhat unpleasant!
NOTE: If you haven't been keeping an eye on real assets lately, you might be entertained at the surge that the precious metals have had in the last three weeks. Having been suppressed for decades, it seems that the climate around currency, investments, and hard assets is primed for some interesting corrections.. to the upside, we hope.
Q1: Of the three error types, mal-, mis-, and non-feasance, which one describes the duty required but the action taken was executed in error?
[see end of email for the answer]
If you find this interesting or helpful, please share it.
Here's some more worthwhile information:
Cornerstone Definitions
A dynamic list of terms often used in “semantic deceit”, common terms for which legal liability lies in wait for the unwary. If our discussions interest you and you'd like to get familiar with not-so-common, common terms... I suggest having a look at "person", "individual", "citizen", and "crime" for an interesting start! [LINK]
IRS Form 56
is an action, a notice that the “beneficiary” is present (found alive) and may no longer be identified as “missing; lost at sea”, nor a fellow employee or “trustee” responsible for the trust. Link provided so you can look ahead, if you choose. [LINK]

Trade with Real Money

"No state shall... emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts..." And yet they have, it has ruined our currency, and undermines our financial security. This is how the world recovers.
Trade with Real Money
What property of yours does the United States Department of the Treasury manage on your behalf?
[see end of email for the answer]

A few handy "Financial FREE-bee" tools:

xls: MS Auto Mile Log

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xls: MoneySmart Pies and Percentages Worksheet

xls: MoneySmart Pies and Percentages Worksheet
My gift to you, thanks for visiting!
Intended for homeschool, a simple spreadsheet you don't have to create, but can use immediately; reinforcing many concepts.  The opportunities for teachable moments are numerous!

$10.00 $0.00

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A: Q1 misfeasance
A: Q2 a trust
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