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Justice Group 002 - Promised Links

When I spoke to the Maricopa County Assembly on August 27, I mentioned several links, collections, and downloadable content which I want be certain to pass on to everyone. Our success to defend ourselves and resist those encroaching our rights and freedom will come through combining our voices, upgrading our education, our efforts, and our resources. So, be certain to share this email, forward it to those in the assembly and those who aren't in the assembly who might simply appreciate the content; which in this case is NOT assembly business nor necessarily directly related to assembly topics. That's how we grow. That's how we shall succeed!

"Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together."
Luke 17:37
A brief recap, for friends you are "sharing" with: The "Justice Training" series is meant to research, test, and record a method by which the people can both defend themselves (by going on offense) and correct the many egregious oversteps of authority all around us in the defacto government and with their corporate minions. If we can slow down their errors and usurpation of unauthorized power, then we buy ourselves time to establish the people's assemblies who not only officially can "call foul" on the errors being committed, but then can correct the systems of law that have allowed such. That is the role of the civil side of government.

Conveniently, I believe the methods of the "Administrative Judicial Process", which that I'm establishing the Justice Group to review and employ, will be the same for both the assembly as a body politic and for the people standing one by one against the gale-force winds. The basic idea of the claim process is this:
Claim: "You have run your "patterns, policy, and practices" into my rights causing damage. Here is a claim for remedy of that damage." [dp]
Please, join the conversation, if you haven't already!

The September 17 Grand Jury

While I anticipated including a link to a redacted version of my first completed claim, with which the "respondent" now stands in default, I realized that the example I have prepared, although redacted, is set to be reviewed this Saturday, Sept. 17. So, in the interest of not influencing those who might access that example, albeit redacted, I'll hold that share for a later date. If I don't revisit that information share sometime soon, please do remind me. You can learn a great deal from reading and reviewing another's claim work!
There is a call out for grand jury participation on:
THIS SATURDAY, September 17, at 9:00 AM
DEADLINE to respond and participate is:
THURSDAY, September 15th, by NOON.
In the interest of assisting our Maricopa Clerk of Court,
who tends to not frequent social media...
Respond to Court Clerk at:

Grand Jury participation with the land jurisdiction jural assembly requires that you have declared your sovereignty through, at this point, either the 1779 Declaration of Naturalization (single page) or the full set of 928 declarations and documents and have those documents recorded. You can review elements of that process [HERE].

Audio: Jural Assembly Handbook

Nearly two years ago I began my journey of education on the topics surrounding the people's assembly and found that Anna von Reitz assembled a great deal of information into a volume she labeled the "Jural Assembly Handbook". It's a bit heady to sit and read, but having a recorded version that I could listen to while busy doing the needful and necessary tasks of life with my hands, driving, laundry, cooking... certainly made reviewing that body of information much easier!
Here's a link to a folder of downloadable .mp3 files which you can load into your phone or .mp3 player [my fav...]:
Jural Assembly Handbook mp3's folder

And, if your prefer, here's a link to the video series on Rumble:
Jural Assembly Handbook TTS

Audio: King James Bible

As you know from my explanation of "who you're listening to" on the August 27 Training session, I think God's Word is good information to review regularly. It's one of the reasons why I pursued the claims I have:

The current problem: "[1] Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed; [2] To turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the right from the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless!" (Isaiah 10:1-2)

What I considered "marching orders": "Thus saith the LORD; Execute ye judgment and righteousness, and deliver the spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor: and do no wrong, do no violence to the stranger, the fatherless, nor the widow, neither shed innocent blood in this place." (Jeremiah 22:3) [a message to the "princes", the government of the Nation of Israel, see :1-4]

An early encouragement of the Law: "Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment: thou shalt not respect the person [lack of station] of the poor, nor honour the person [the title or office] of the mighty: but in righteousness (equity) shalt thou judge thy neighbour (justice or righteousness being blind). (Leviticus 19:15)

That's the headwind we're sailing into. Today its easy to see the complete corruption of the "judgment" (judicial) process seeking "righteousness" (equity). But whether you pursue this information because it's "right" to do so for everyone's natural sake, or because you feel as I do, the battle is one of "spirit" reverberating into eternity, certainly those that seek to relieve us all of our rights, our freedom, and our property will succeed if only "good men do nothing".

Reading the Bible to get to such golden nuggets can be time consuming and cumbersome, but when you have a professional voice-over artist reading the text so you can "listen to the Word of God", finding such treasures is easier, faster, and more enjoyable. I don't think it replaces the thoughtful consideration of "reading" the Word, but it is a handy way to associate heart and mind with God's Word when you're hands are busy with other things. Here's a link to the folder where you can download the series provide free at KingJamesBibleOnline.org:

or, you can grab them in my shared folder (might be quicker):
Max McLean - The Listener's Bible
organized into my own topical segments as:
  • prophets (my fav...)
  • gospels
  • old testament
  • books of Moses (law)
  • New Testament (not gospels)
  • letters of Paul
  • Psalms & Proverbs
  • Words of Solomon

The Knowledge Page:

If you're looking for some of the best information I've found on Assembly topics, I've collected the best resources to make sense of the mountain of information that comes with correcting your status on the Knowledge Page at the We the People, UnInc. site.
The Knowledge Page
and if you've never visited wtpuninc.wordpress.com,
you might start at the landing page, and read through the intro...
a nice graphic to grab and drop into social media with a similar invitation!
(c) 2021 We the People, UnInc. (dap), All Rights Reserved
For private matters dealing with this discussion, email me at:
mailto: We the People, UnInc.
and please join the Telegram discussion group for questions and comments:
JustUs Justice Private Telegram Group
Well, I started out today to share a few links and the information and background discussion ended up larger than I anticipated... how oddly uncharacteristic of me... 8-\ I do hope the information serves you well and that you find value in it.

Don't forget to share this email with friends who might appreciate the info.
How will they know if you don't tell them?
Join the conversation, if you haven't already!
Goals discussed in this release:
  1. Share this information and our group mission
  2. Grand Jury needs qualified jurors Saturday, Sept. 17, 9:00 AM
  3. Audio resource: Jural Assembly Handbook [channel and mp3's]
  4. Audio resource: King James Bible [site and mp3's]
  5. Knowledge Page resource: at We the People, UnInc.
  6. Email and Telegram connect; be heard!
I look forward to hearing from you.
Warm regards,
NOTE: this resource and email are routed from my davidpandone.com website because that's where I have tools to manage mailing lists which are already installed, running, and paid for. The We the People site, has none of those tools having never generated enough regular donations to pay for such.
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