
Hello, Subscriber!

My apologies for missing an issue last week. I came home from a speaking engagement the previous weekend more tired than anticipated and by Sunday evening, I had a full-blown case of strep throat which kept me down and out for over a week. That was no fun!

Nearly ten days later, I was finally feeling well enough to get some work done.
The further removed from your control, the more third-party risk you assume.
Chief among my concerns this week is the growing undermining of our infrastructure. As I begin this diatribe, California is on the brink of a power emergency at the blistering end of September summer, fresh from a discussion of banning California sales of automobiles that burn fossil fuel in favor of electric vehicles, which apparently the electrical grid is nowhere near ready to support... You can't make this stuff up.

The same people sniveling at the "filth" of fossil fuels completely miss the impact of mining for copper to wire these EVs, the lithium to power the batteries, the cobalt which is mined almost exclusively in Africa under slave-labor conditions, and the rare-Earth elements for the magnets that enable the entire technology which are sourced almost exclusively out of China. There are some serious disadvantages to being shallow, petty, and dumber than a box of rocks. Sadly, most people don't move until they feel the pain or blood is shed.

Who would be dumb enough to undermine "food"?

Other infrastructure concerns involve regulation on farmers which limit their options and increase their cost of production. Over the past several years, many food production facilities and warehouses have faced a rash of fires and other "disasters". Are we supposed to believe this is happenstance? No... there is a grand plan at work and its architects are less concerned with being discovered and increasingly less worried that "you don't approve".
And don't forget, we've just emerged from a culture of lock-down, social distancing, travel restriction, and proposed vaccine passports. The oppressive attitude of the tyrant oligarch hasn't gone anywhere and is fermenting for more powerful application if they can manage to get away with it.
I currently live in the city, am not in a position to move at present, and I long for a patch of my own dirt to plant and glean a portion of "more-healthy eating options" from it. Living in a townhouse development with an HOA there is no patch of ground I get to call my own; and the number of windows with natural light don't support growing much indoors. As long as I live here, I'm a bit "stuck" for gardening unless I'm willing to opt for the grow-light option... which frankly doesn't interest me; as long as the sun still comes up in the morning.
The onslaught of "policy" from the the globalist oligarchs is coming your way; whether you can see it, or are in any way prepared for it. Their "we know better than you do" attitude is going to impact your life. The more independent you are of anything they control, the longer you'll be behaving as if you're still free. Hence my interest in gardening and supplementing what I can buy at the store with what God can bless me with from His Earth. I hope we undercut their agenda long before it comes to that, and its looking promising as more and more people wake up to reality. Nothing, however is guaranteed. So, I would suggest you prepare; plan for the worst, hope for the best.

And... my more aggressive pitch, you are one of "we the people" who is tasked and entrusted with managing and overseeing the people's civil side of government. If you wish to be actively involved in preserving, protecting, and profiting your nation like the American you were intended to be, then find your state and county assembly, a governing body of civilians, and add your voice to that of your fellow Americans. The hour is late indeed.
What is the term for "one of a very few who hold political power"?
[see end of email for the answer]
If you find this interesting or helpful, please share it.
Here's some more worthwhile information:
An Asian Bretton-Woods?
"...under cover of the west’s geopolitical ineptitude, Putin is assembling a new gold-backed multi-currency system by combining plans for a new Asian trade currency with his new Moscow World Standard for gold."
Alasdair Macleod on King World News [LINK]
The WEF is Subverting Global Food Supply
Globalists that believe they can plan everything centrally and take into consideration all the manifest details of our planet's nearly eight billion people across all countries, regions, and climates are at the heart of the issue. In their hubris, they're prepared to kill millions.
Freedom and Heritage Society [LINK]
Heat Wave Strains Calif. Power Grid
"...Tuesday’s demand for 52,000 megawatts set a record as resident experienced triple digit temperatures. Demand is only expected to climb as high as 78,000 megawatts in the coming years as the state has backed itself into a corner to go completely green by 2045."
One America News Network [LINK]

MoneySmart Chapter Tours

Having more money to manage is matter of the habits you use to manage the money you have! Check out the MoneySmart online chapter tours here:
Trading Time-for-Dollars has it's Limits!
Consider a business model where
the work stays done & keeps working!
MoneySmart Guide to Wealth
CHALLENGE: The more distant your resources, the more you are dependent upon delivery as a process of "trust", the more _____ _____ _____ you assume.
[see end of email for the answer]

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xls: MS Ch4-5 Multi-Income Workbook

xls: MS Ch4-5 Multi-Income Workbook
An easy solution for budgets based on inconsistent cash flow due to a variable work schedule or reliance on tips.  Enter the data and the math is calculated automatically every month and on the annual cover sheet.  If you can SEE IT, you can manage it efficiently.


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A: oligarch
A: third-party risk
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