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Justice Group 001 - Getting Started

Among the first resources we'll need to guide everyone to is the common ground where participants know they can find their like-minded and engaged fellow researchers and information seekers. I have a few of those resources already established, which I'll link below. Please take some time and [1] offer feedback on the August 27 training session.

I established this "Justice Training" series to support "learning to write claims"; built upon my own experience and research thus far. It parallels my intent for the We the People, UnInc. website, but not for precisely the same ends. The WTPUnInc. site was intended to guide people to the information they need to consider a status change from "U.S. Citizen", and then to offer them necessary information and some guidance in how that process is pursued.

WTP and Justice are different.

The "Justice Training" series is meant to research, test, and record a method by which the people can both defend themselves (by going on offense) and correct the many egregious oversteps of authority all around us in the defacto government and with their corporate minions. If we can slow down their errors and usurpation of unauthorized power, then we buy ourselves time to establish the people's assemblies who not only officially can "call foul" on the errors being committed, but then can correct the systems of law that have allowed such. That is the role of the civil side of government.

Conveniently, I believe the methods of the "Administrative Judicial Process" that I'm establishing the Justice Group to review and employ will be the same for both the assembly as a body politic and for the people standing one by one against the prevailing winds.
Claim: "You have run your "patterns, policy, and practices" into my rights causing damage. Here is a claim in remedy of that damage." [dp]
So while the purposes for each project, a pursuit of knowledge, are similar, the goals are somewhat different. Let's do our best not to confuse the two projects... although I certainly welcome your interest and support of both.


Such pursuit has been on my mind since the launch of the We the People, UnInc. site nearly two years ago. The page where I began amassing information on solving many of the "entanglements" presented in this de facto system was labeled [2] "Solutions".
What I didn't understand at the time was just how large the beast was before I began chipping away at a few of the problems. The phrase I coined to describe such magnitude was the need to "unmake the sausage and return my pig..."; the problem was nearly insurmountable. Far too much work to tackle alone, though I could clearly see the many entanglements and a desperate need for solutions.
As I began working on a few of these solutions, my own private concerns and issues bubbled to the surface and of course assumed a priority position. Answering government offices claiming "I owed them money..." and a curiosity with private property needing to be "registered" lead me down the paths of the claims I have written and am now pursuing. These are time-consuming endeavors, to say the least. The details of the process, however, are suitable to answer the encroachment of many entanglements. So, I seek to further establish, test, explore, and share that process with those who both need the tools, can help establish a solid foundation, and are willing to guide or teach others.

I realized in the process that the strength and power of "one man facing the storm" with a claim established through the "administrative judicial process" is the means by which we the people can stand, literally, against the tide.


In my opinion, the biggest challenge we face is one of population. There is more work to do, and more detailed work in need of talented and skilled people to do such work, than our Arizona Assembly has available. To solve that issue, we must set our minds to "invitations" and "attraction" to the topics and projects we are pursuing and discussing. We all know talented and intelligent people. We need to make them "welcome".
The "Assembly" has done little to advance that agenda; therefore, each of us must take such effort upon ourselves. Five of fifteen counties on Arizona (33%) have no functioning assembly. What's been done to change that? [3] Let's make a note, we the people, to discuss such an effort as the assembly is "the people's assembly". It's not up to someone else... we own it. Attracting people to what we're discussing (strong legal defense through strong lawful offense) may attract many to our project, and therefore, the assembly county, state, or perhaps nation-wide.
I had established a Telegram group for this discussion of Justice. I suggest that as we move forward, we use that channel to "congregate" and discuss ideas and organize our people into groups of shared interest. You'll find that group here: JustUs Justice [4] [invite link].
While I was pleased to be asked to share my experience and what I had learned thus far with my fellow assembly members on Maricopa, I don't schedule the sessions and I don't control who is invited to speak. So, as an assembly member, if you'd like me to continue that discussion as "sponsored by the Maricopa Assembly", the assembly members will need to state those wishes to those who DO manage the schedule and speakers. Make your desires known to the Maricopa county chair to those ends. [Maricopa County Chair, Diane Light] [5]

You might also consider the impact to your learning if training sessions are widely spread over weeks or months. If you'd like to continue this discussion online or outside the assembly's sponsorship so that the information is presented in a more consistent and timely fashion, consider how often you'd like to meet, and whether the costs of hall rental and commitment of time and travel trumps the convenience and economy of an online net-cast. My leanings are toward a net-cast: less expensive to produce, less time burden for all, easily recordable and sharable with an audience segment not present at time of broadcast... I will likely pursue such an effort under the We the People, UnInc. banner; related sources of information are collected on the site. Do let me know your thoughts wtpuninc@gmail.com.

The original list I copied into the contact list from the sign-in sheets at the August 27 training has been discarded. Therefore, only those who have opted-in to the Justice Group will get this message. Please keep in mind there are likely many people you know who would like to pursue this information and our shared goals. They may not have been present Aug. 27, or they might have the previous appeal hiding in their spam folder. Be certain to SHARE these emails and the opt-in link [6] with those who might be interested. If you don't share it with them, where are they going to hear it?
Goals discussed in this release:
  1. Offer FEEDBACK on the August 27 Training [LINK]
  2. WTPUnInc. Solutions page: as a "project board"
  3. membership expansion
  4. JustUs Justice Telegram group
  5. The next training session (where shall we continue?)
  6. share the opt-in link; expand our numbers
I look forward to hearing from you.
Warm regards,
NOTE: this resource and email are routed from my davidpandone.com website because that's where I have tools to manage mailing lists which are already installed, running, and paid for. The We the People site, has none of those tools having never generated enough regular donations to pay for such.
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