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There are eight factors or components to a contractual agreement. When such "moving parts" are not present or honored, then the contract is void, there is "no contract"; no agreement to such terms and conditions. If entered into knowingly and therefore willfully misrepresenting any of the details, then the contract is fraudulent and "void ab initio", or "without merit from it's inception", all the way back to when it was proposed, discussed, and signed. Also all events, actions, or connected agreements are also void having a foundation built upon fraud.
Each of these are embossed with a "ONE DOLLAR" label.
Why then, as of this date, is the exchange rate nearly 33:1?
Why are we discussing contracts and legal issues in a forum for "financial literacy"? Literacy involves knowledge, and if someone by means of a fraudulent contract, by means of one's "lack of knowledge", can easily mislead and take your wealth from you, well, to say the least, "that isn't profitable". In recent lawful actions with which I've given my time and attention, I'm shocked at how much fraud is committed around us each and every day. If it gave off fumes, we, all of mankind, would be dead of asphyxiation by now.

NOTICE: This discourse is not "legal advise" and should never be considered such. It is a discussion of a topic from the perspective of the author; in fact an "opinion", which bears only the weight of the ideas presented. If applying such ideas to lawful actions, you are encouraged to research, cite, and base your claims upon established statutes and case law which have been tried by judicial process.

With government agencies, such behavior has become a "codified legal pattern of practice and policy"; which they seem to commit as often as they breath in and out. It's not the government employee's fault; not directly at least. Most people just show up to work, do the job assigned, and don't see how their "portion" adds to the end result, the picture, of fraud, extortion, exploitation, and abuse of the people. After all, their jobs only exist to serve "a preservation of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" for we the people.

That concept of many separate pieces or actors who combine, like a jig-saw puzzle, into the end result is called "constructive fraud". It's a problem that runs rampant in our modern culture. The employees manage their pieces of the puzzle and somewhere, someone with more nefarious intent, has taken the box top, the picture product of the puzzle, and hid it from the rest of us so it's not easily visible. It is for such constructs, I imagine, that the word "heinous" was originally penned.

The Eight Constructs of a Valid Contract:

Directly from the footnotes of a recent claim, here are the concepts inherent to a contract: "A 'valid contract' is determined by eight (8) factors as: [i] parties competent to contract, [ii] free and genuine consent, [iii] full and honest disclosure, [iv] valuable consideration, [v] certainty of terms, [vi] meeting of the minds, [vii] wet-ink autographs of two (2) like-kind parties, and [viii] privity of contract (party rights and responsibilities)"

Since this also, like the recent deep dive into the "twelve presumptions of the BAR Courts" is also a large discussion, let's take a few of these each week for the next few weeks; and not necessarily in order:

[v] Certainty of terms: There must be a clear and concise listing of the responsibilities of the "parties to the contract". "Here's what I provide, here's how you are expected to behave in return." If it's not in the contract, the parties are not bound to it, unless it is covered by general common law. If it is in the contract and the parties have agreed, then the contract is enforceable if the parties breach the terms of the contract. An "action" is a lawful procedure to "enforce" the terms and penalties, if included, of the contract.

The terms which protect each party can be extensive because what is being dealt with is the delivery of value through service or exchange of property (called "trade") in return for "valuable consideration". When this exchange upon agreement is breached, there is an unbalancing of the scales of justice, an lack of equality, "inequity", or "iniquity" in Biblical terms. If allowed to continue without "remedy", a cheat or fraud, an exploitation, and a trespass.
[iii] Full and Honest Disclosure: Following closely with a "certainty of terms" is full and honest disclosure. Parties to the contract cannot be held liable for breach if the terms were not fully and honestly disclosed.

Take the "Federal Reserve Note" (FRN) for instance. People commonly consider these "bills of credit" as "money", but they are nothing like money; "a physical commodity acceptable in exchange which bears inherent and accepted value between the parties of the trade". Do you doubt my definition? How many valuable uses can you assign to a "one-hundred dollar bill" that are worth the labor you must expend at your work in exchange for it? How useful is it when there is no party to a contract willing to trade you for "your perceived value" in the efforts made to acquire it? If they won't accept it in trade, what else is it good for? ... (take your time, I'll wait...)

Since 1933, the Federal Reserve "dollar" has lost over 98% of it's trade value. Did anyone bother to inform you? (besides me in almost everything I write...) ...and yet it is the only acceptable form of legal tender available in U.S. commerce today. Use of such "currency", which doesn't belong to you legally, but to the Federal Reserve, also entangles you in a contract of their offered "services" to "tender to a later date" the value in exchange to discharge your debts. Because you aren't paid in value with FRN's until you trade them at the grocery store or gas station for something of "real, tangible value". "What? ...nobody told you?" See? Fraud stinks, doesn't it?
The term "constructive" as it is used with "constructive fraud" metaphorically relates to many separate pieces assembled as a ________ .
[see end of email for the answer]
If you find this interesting or helpful, please share it.
Here's some more noteworthy information:
"The Banks are Manipulating Silver"
The depth of this "fraud", described repeatedly by several sources as "holding a beach ball under water", losing control of the ball, it reacts violently upward... That's where the precious metals are, having been manipulated for decades to hide currency devaluation, and "what happens when the manipulation fails?"
Bix Weir on WallStreetSilver [LINK]
"Silver under $20..."
David Morgan is among very few names who fully comprehend the intricacies of the silver market. The guys at WSS are on top of things this week with great guests... With the gold-silver ratio clearing 90:1, silver hasn't been cheaper in decades.
David Morgan on WallStreetSilver [LINK]
dpRE PMA banner
I've moved my financial services business from public to private. Learn how government policy like regulations and taxes can be kicked to the curb!
For such equality of justice among parties, the term "inequity" surmises the concept of "scales in the hand of Lady Justice" as the scale represents _______ .
[see end of email for the answer]

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