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One drop...

One drop doesn't do much, unless it's applied by many clouds across a sky for 40 days and nights... then, it can change the world... and it did.

Once, many millennia ago, mankind got so free with his "appetites" and careless with his responsibilities that the slate, our Earth, was swept clean. The tower at Babel was the same spirit of hubris; we get full of our own "virtue" rather than realize our pursuit of vanity. True "global warming" may not be the "heat" they have in mind...
"one drop can move the whole pond!"
[new front-back design!]
When the Hebrew nation lost sight of their holy commission, their covenant, their nation was swept into Babylon and their nation-state destroyed. Also on North and South America, God brought peoples here to live as he intended in freedom under his grace; not the "pilgrims", there were people here before that! These lost sight of the goal and were swept from the land as other peoples, intently seeking the freedom to "seek God's face" appeared and were prospered.

From the same source of that history, those seeking power and influence and willing to pursue it at any cost, by any means, have infiltrated and corrupted, at times before, a society which was organized to uplift and edify each man or woman; and that same evil again boils to the scum on the surface of our great melting pot. That ancient society began as petty thieves and murderers thriving in the shadows until they were large and strong enough to usurp the power of government by fraud, forgery, violence, and deceit; means by which they ushered in a system of enslavement upon the people. These began as the Gadianton band of robbers, societal outcasts, thieves who preyed on the people, whose lust for power morphed into the "profession of Nehor". [Alma 14:] That society is again festering among us.

"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
The precarious position balancing atop "justice" in which we find our nation of the united States of America is nothing new. It's what happens to a people, a country, and nation when they lose sight of "how" they prosper. Seeds don't fall to the Earth to find water, nourishment, sunlight, growth, bud, flower, pollenating bee, rain, and fruit out of happenstance. It is my belief that "every good gift comes of God". [James 1:17] So, neither does a nation of people, a harvest of living, thriving souls, and quickening spirits on their way back to their source, exist in a vacuum. Our Creator is watching our progress, and lately, the society as a whole has been monumentally offensive; and not the least bit impressive.

We must be agents for improvement in the society; willing to endure the possible loneliness of being the "one drop". If not us, then who? We must be willing to present "character" and "values" to the world around us, or it, and we with it, are destined for destruction; by outside forces or by our own neglect and corruption.

Another thought on Mar A Lago:

As an additional note on the Mar A Lago federal faux pas debacle, I had another pertinent thought, and during the past two weeks have heard no pundits mention this particular point with Amendment VI.

A warrant with a "sealed affidavit", a testimony of the crime committed with evidence or description of an immanent threat, fails miserably the protection of the VI Amendment as a right "to be confronted with the witnesses against him", a guarantee for the right to face our accusers. The sworn affidavit must accompany the warrant as the "justification", the establishment of "probable cause" for search and seizure or arrest.
a brief foray into the weeds...
Allow me to posit, however, to call upon that protection, one must be "party" to the Constitution contract. "U.S. Citizens", as they are classified "federal employees" or beneficiaries, are not among the 50 several states and "we the people" who are party to that contract. This is why so many quoting "constitutional rights" in admiralty courts find themselves in "contempt of court". Argue and protest all you want; that's how they have established the "U.S. Citizen" status under 8 USC §1101(a)(22). The entity to which such "permanent allegiance" is owed isn't the "United States" we have been lead to believe it is; per 28 USC §3002(15)(A): "a Federal corporation". Another offense in a very long line of semantic deceit.
and, back to the path:
What then, is the probable cause? It is "whatever they say it is..." and isn't it interesting that the FBI and those that cover and run interference for the federal agency powers are resisting so furiously the idea that the "affidavit be unsealed". Trump, the accused in particular, is calling loudly to reveal that which is sealed...

In my view: if so-called "authorities" deem it necessary to invade a man's privacy or detain him bodily, specific property, or his living being, then he has every right to know beforehand what charges or accusations are being bandied in his very particular direction. That particular information might reveal immediately the invalidity of the warrant; precisely, in my opinion, why it was sealed in the first place. Otherwise, at what point are "charges" and evidence revealed... at a trial, packed with unsympathetic jury, having been decided over weeks in the "news", in courts of public opinion by hearsay, with the bailiff reaching for his handcuffs? The "railroad" isn't the luxurious mode of travel it once was.
Being "railroaded" is no pleasant trip to the countryside.
The argument, "sensitive information in an on-going investigation" is a poor excuse at best. They are making a very public invasion of a man's property and peaceful private business affairs, so if such man is required by law and due process to lay his cards on the table, these "agencies" should absolutely be required to do the same; all cards on the table. We work in the light and banish darkness. Or... doesn't that serve your agenda?

These people aren't interested in light. They scatter like roaches, the vermin that they are, when the light of truth is shined in their direction. I posted in reply earlier this week on GETTR, a prophetic future headline: "30 Federal Agents, Officers, and Senior Executives Drown in Tragic Fishing Expedition". They had nothing and went, as I heard it put earlier this week, not "investigating evidence in order to find people (criminals)" but "investigating people in order to find crimes". That's a heinous miscarriage of justice fit for the third world and banana republics. The people perpetrating such are the one's that belong in federal prison for decades, neatly kept away from polite society.

As I see it presently, those inmates running the asylum aren't particularly concerned with following "LAW", therefore, until we the people have a nullification process and lawful courts in place to press such validation, they seem to do whatever their numbers and guns can back up. We the people are the authority. We have been given the commission to take dominion over the Land, Air, and Water; "LAW".

I believe it's precisely why they have pressed and continue to press for the "citizens" being "required" to give up their guns. We the people as men and women and not "persons" [an office or position of responsibility], however, are under no such obligation. Exactly why we have the right to bear the arma and defend ourselves in the first place; tyrants be damned.

In this environment, how do we not discuss "freedom"?

"Tyrants be damned!"

"the United States of AMERICA, 3.5 Million Square Miles of FREEDOM & zero room for petty tyrants." I continue to get compliments on this design every time I wear it. I might need to get a second copy to alternate it with the one in the laundry...

"3.5 Million Square Miles"
Apparel and gifts from


Fun with Culture:

Musicians have embarked on a lifetime's journey of setting "stage fright" far behind them. Some have become downright "brassy". This is a fun take: "BRASSY; You won't believe what I can do with my lips..." is fit for your next fun social gathering, especially if you're on stage! Conversations spawned will be worth every penny!

Apparel and gifts from:


In which Amendment to the Constitution are we guaranteed
the right to "face our accusers"?
[see end of email for the answer]
If you find this interesting or helpful, please share it.
Here's some more worthwhile information:
Major media outlets: "release Trump search warrant affidavit"
A very brief written recap of the points of our topic this week. Ignore the video, mostly a pitch for the "inflation reduction act", which is nothing its name implies.
Madeline Hubbard on Just the News [LINK]
"Why Silver Demand will Climb to Record Highs"
Keith Neumeyer CEO with First Majestic Silver reviews the inner workings of the precious metals market which is under the spotlight with the JPMorgan decision on "spoofing" as criminal conviction.
Keith Neumeyer on Wallstreetsilver [LINK]
"Is sustainable mining possible?..."
An analysis of "whether the [electric vehicle] industry can [source] colossal amounts of battery materials domestically and sustainably." I learned early in investing: "mine it or grow it, those are the choices" to source commodities. Mining, by necessity, is not a "tidy business", and one on which EV's are fully dependent. Our "grid" is also unprepared for the added stress.
Lauri Foti on World News Era [LINK]
"The C-word"
Craig Hemke noted investment analyst ties a bow on the end of the JPMorgan "spoofing" and precious metals market manipulation prosecution. It seems that money and power attract people to seats around the banquet table until "the music plays". Rather than needing to "pay the piper", the corrupt just change seats.
Craig Hemke on GoldSeek.com [LINK]

MoneySmart Chapter Tours

Having more money to manage is matter of the habits you use to manage the money you have! Check out the MoneySmart online chapter tours here:
Challenge: What is the common name for the ancient text and book which is history to the ancient people's upon the continents of North and South America?

[see end of email for the answer]
Trading Time-for-Dollars has it's Limits!
Consider a business model where
the work stays done & keeps working!
MoneySmart Guide to Wealth
A: VI Amendment
A: Book of Mormon
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