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Redefining Truth

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news... but leftist progressives don't read my newsletter or my books... so, it's also likely nobody reading this is going to consider this "bad news". But I digress... Again, why discuss "freedom" in a wealth and money management blog? No amount of "wealth" is immune from being taken from you by oppressive tyrants. You've heard of "taxes" (which they are again considering raising in a recession) and this thing called the Internal Revenue Service (which has acquired seven-hundred thousand dollars of ammunition for some reason)... yes? Your freedom is the paramount foundation to everything else and must be established before you can safely accumulate and enjoy any fruit of your labors.
Here it is: "there is no version of truth". Truth, like a proven inarguable maxim of law, having been tried repeatedly and found to be unmovable and unchanging over time, is a maxim, held above reproach, beyond reexamination, retrial, or further argument. Such is the nature of truth. The fact of a matter speak for themselves, "unmovable and unchanging over time"... finding truth, however, can be elusive and is always subject to the perspective of the viewer.
"One Truth" tee for dark colors
As we have in recent weeks discussed the facets of a contract, unless we agree on the terms (concepts) of the contract, there can be no "meeting of the minds", no valid agreement, and therefore we won't be able to trust anything. Precisely where the current sponsored chaos and oppression would like to take us so they can sweep in with flowery promises and big plans to "save us". That thought very much in line with Dan Bongino's first 15-minute segment this past Thursday.
"One Truth" tee for light colors
There are no versions of truth, but there are many perspectives on the same point of truth. Follow my metaphor... Truth is an immovable rock, although that rock can be as small as a grain of sand. Elusive, in that finding "absolute truth", can be like looking down a straw at a grain of sand. So elusive that only one can look down the straw and see the absolute truth at any given moment. Everyone else standing about with an opinion may see the very same grain of sand, but their opinion is colored or impacted by their perspective or angle of view.

This is a foundation of freedom of speech, and why it is so important. We must be free to express our opinion from our perspective because we can't stand in two places and simultaneously hold two perspectives. We must therefore be patient enough to hear the opinions and perspectives of others so that we can consider what we don't already "know". A wise man knows he truly "knows" very little.

Progressive leftists can't abide differences of perspective because they don't deal with truth. They can't defend their standing with evidence or rational reasoning based on evidence; it is anathema to their emotive existence and need to hold a moral high ground which doesn't exist, though they insist upon it at every turn. Evidence and truth just shines light on the platform missing beneath them... and they can't have that. It would rob them of the power that they demand we provide them for being so "morally responsible". They "signal" character and virtue but couldn't find it with a compass, a map, and a hired driver that makes the trip as one leg of his daily route, who drops them at a stop beneath a large lighted sign labeled "Welcome to Character and Virtue!"
[No leftist progressives were harmed in the production of this opinion piece]
The idea of "settled science" we've heard so much about in recent years bears this inherent problem. There was a time when all affliction was a curse as "spiritual condemnation", and then we learned there were things we didn't know about and could not see called bacteria and viruses, some decidedly not friendly to the human organism. There is energy coursing through the entire universe which mainstream science couldn't explain so they invented "dark matter" as an explanation for what they can't see, couldn't directly measure, and don't yet understand as intergalactic strands of "plasma"; a conduit for massive amounts of intergalactic electrical energy. Now that they are "seeing" with infrared instruments, they are beginning to understand that which they did not before conceptualize.

The Milky Way was once the galaxy in our universe... then they pointed the Hubble Telescope at a blank patch of sky and found the "deep field" was littered with hundreds of galaxies; not just stars... but galaxies of stars. This past month, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) fitted with infrared capability has begun to send images back which are revealing things we couldn't see with our eyes. The results had better be impressive... considering what they've spent on the project!
Image from JWST, the James Webb Space Telescope
The power-hungry prey upon ignorance. Sadly, with the internet available on their phone in their pocket, too many people simply choose to remain ignorant. One of the most useful tools available to the power-hungry tyrant is called "semantic deceit". Semantics is "the study or science of meaning in language". Those seeking to manipulate us establish flowery labels, discuss high-minded ideals, allow you to conceptualize one construct in your mind, and establish a foundation in statute, ordinance, policy, or "law" that benefits them.

They allow you to govern your behavior based on a standard which they have programmed into your mind, and hold you to whatever standard benefits them that they establish as "law". They weave the rug which they will yank from beneath you when it suits their purpose. Consider what politicians "name" legislation and what those "laws" actually accomplish. It is the very nature of the manipulation and deceptive practice of "witchcraft". Remember who the ultimate deceiver and father of all lies is, and the pervasive stench of bullshit begins to make perfect sense.
If someone tried to hurt your kids, to molest your wife, to access your bank account and take your money, you would do what you could to prevent or stop such trespass and oppression; would you not? My encouragement to you then is this: despite years of public school programming to become subject to authority, despite holding a job where you're told when to report, where to work, what to do, when to do it, and when you're allowed to return home to what's really important in your life, "stop acting like an employee waiting to be told what to do".

Now more than ever before, you can see there are things that are wrong with the world around you; obviously. Take inventory of your skill sets (or resolve to learn new skills) and set off to "affecting change somewhere". Don't just sit there complaining "someone" ought to do something; "do something". Public service announcement: "You are someone!" "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" [questionably attributed to Edmund Burke].
Hey here's a novel idea, buy a tee-shirt, spark an important conversation, and be an influencer or an agent of change for the people in your social circle. Just a passing thought. So, get after it... or resign yourself to be the slave the "Gnu World Odor" (a particularly smelly animal) is lining you up to be... that's if they allow you to live; you'll need to watch your carbon footprint to qualify! Remember, "You'll own nothing and be happy..." [The nefarious World Economic Forum video]

Or be free because you act free and expect to enjoy what you work for, which includes helping those around you from your stores of abundance, and insisting that no one tells you how you are to live your life... except maybe your spouse; which I might further comprehend had I ever had one.
What was the name of the 2nd Administrator for NASA during the Apollo program?
[see end of email for the answer]
If you find this interesting or helpful, please share it.
Here's some more worthwhile information:
Always informative, Alasdair Macleod
An in-depth discussion of the precarious position of the banking system, comparing the economy to the "availability of credit" and stability of the credit accounts currently on the books of the banking sector.
Alasdair Macleod on Arcadia Economics [LINK]
"Uncle Doug Talks Sense"
Like a rich uncle who to whom you turn for guidance, counsel, and ideas, THIS conversation from Doug Casey of Casey Research is the model of information I would wish for you. The host Kerry Stevenson, accustomed to heavy-handed government, seems to find the idea of total freedom difficult to embrace.
Doug Casey on Small Caps [LINK]
"The Strong-man Strategy Foundation"
Chaos and hardship corrals sheep into "we're tired, just save us" mentality pen. Now and then Dan Bongino hits the nail head square; as with this show section. This 15 minute section explains how current politics can allow tyrants to come to power.
The Dan Bongino Show [LINK]
Canaries in the Coal Mines... No Longer Singing
"Mortgage companies and realtors are today's canaries. They're in deep trouble, and so are the rest of us."
Author: Doug French, Narrator: Michael Stack [LINK]
Who is the most effective agent for change in your life?
[see end of email for the answer]
A: James Webb
A: you are
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