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"Lead, follow, or get out of the way."

We're in a battle of ideas, and the weakest ideas, which seem to garner the loudest support, seem to cause the biggest problems, or get people killed.
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A new client this week shared with me a video link where Dr. Frank Shallenberger discusses the function of oxidation on various types on cancer, using melatonin in particular. We had discussed their struggle, as well as the struggle of another friend with the distressing condition. I was impressed with the information and the detail (in understandable layman's terms) how this hormone affects our body's systems. While we're hearing good news from the "professional" community, like Dr. Shallenberger and other physicians, why aren't we hearing such things from the "corporate" community? Perhaps because such relatively "low-cost" treatment and therapy doesn't pad their pockets like the big-pharma alternatives... but I'm just guessing.
Why do I cover such things in a "financial literacy" blog? Because if you aren't healthy, you can't enjoy your wealth, your success, nor your ever decreasing amount of time. Nor will you be around long to teach others how you prospered, nor share with those that despite your help, shared wisdom, and guidance, can't quite seem to "get it done" and simply need your more direct help. If you've read my perspectives on wealth, you know I believe wealth is more than money.
Success moto shirt
"...because someone has to be young, good-looking, and successful; why shouldn't it be you!" [tee-link]

“Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” [Proverbs 11:14]

That's why we associate with good people. The only way we'll correct the massive corruption and errors by which we're oppressed, is to stand together and be heard. “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” [Proverbs 11:14] That's also why I moved my business from a corporate LLC structure into which the "government" routinely projects regulation. Because, while they are authorized to "regulate commerce" offered to the "public", they have no right to interfere in "trade" within a Private Membership Association (PMA); wherein "trade" is agreed among people in "private".

Can the government regulate what two people discuss in private? No. We have the right to "liberty" and to "freely assemble"... and that goes for two people negotiating and agreeing on a "trade" of "information and counsel" for "valuable consideration" of any form. When I wrote the membership agreement for the dpRE PMA, I was certain to include a clause wherein members are free to trade among other members. You might find that useful before you do all the work to convert your own business over! You can read about the dpRE PMA here.
Blog: NOTICE: Status Change to PMA
Memberships: dpRE PMA

"Bullies are cowards that prey on the weak and defenseless."

Having had experience as an educator in the public system, my view on recent events with Uvalde might be of interest. My social media post on the topic read:
"Many current teachers are prior service military. The military concept is called a "fire watch"; a 1 to 2-hour stint of the night, walking patrol, watching for insurgency, live "fire". ...MANY teachers are not (and will not) be [targets]. Education would only improve with teachers having ONE LESS CLASS TO PREP for, and assigned to walk a post during that free hour. If trained and mentally [prepared], a teacher on watch could be armed, with live-round weapon or a panic button that puts the campus on alert or lockdown. I suggest ammo clips be held on the belt, NOT in the pistol, and staff be trained to load and chamber quickly."
(C) Copyright 2020, David Pandone, All Rights Reserved
Bullies are cowards who prey on the weak and defenseless. What are "gun-free school zones" but a barrel of defenseless fish? Those screaming the loudest for "getting rid of guns" pull the largest deterrent from the game board. The thoughtful perpetrator might take pause if his or her reasoning even flippantly considers, "If I show up on campus armed, will I be shot and killed?" Most perps who manifest such evil put some thought into their actions; however misguided, it's still thought.

The "lets go shoot up a police station...", Friday night mid-West we're bored with nothing to do activities, never caught on, because an entire building full of armed alpha-males will get you dead in a hurry. A few highly conspicuous (noticeable), well-trained, cool-headed, intelligent teachers on a constant campus patrol... is not a bad strategy.

Why hold the ammo magazine on the belt? Because kids do dumb things. I know, because I was once a kid... who did dumb things. It's risky enough to have teachers bearing arms around youth, it's much higher risk to have such weapons "loaded". You wouldn't want a "loaded pistol" to be accessible by one quick snatch-n-grab; precisely the situation we're engaged in planning to avoid. One might also consider that teachers who choose to be trained to stand watch "armed", are only armed while standing watch. While teachers are around and interacting with students, the weapons might be in a nearby gun safe.

To that end, I found Dan Bongino's discussion of the Secret Service analysis of "targeted violence" from his prior service and psychology perspective rather enlightening. From another perspective this week, one social media commando posted in comment, "Cain slew Abel with a rock... it's a heart problem, not a rock problem." Food for thought...
As far as "gun safety" goes, what is the one thing that anyone who handles a pistol, rifle, or any gun should always assume without fail?
[see end of email for the answer]
If you find this interesting or helpful, please share it.
Here's some more noteworthy information:
"Optimizing Oxidation in..."Chronically Ill..."
"Dr. Frank Shallenberger, the president of the American Ozone Therapy Association, [discusses] oxidative therapies... [and the] necessity for better health and optimal aging." How important is this information? Remember what the FDA didn't tell us about hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin the past few years because doing so would ding their profits? Yes... more of that. Dr. Frank Shallenberger; for Riordan Clinic [LINK]
"...The Real Replacement Theory..."
An analysis of the concepts around the issues we see surfacing as "symptom" rather than disease. What you hear on the "news" is never the story, but "a story". So, what agenda is such story supporting, and is it all unconnected? Always thought provoking is Beck.
Glenn Beck on BlazeTV Special [LINK]
"We can fix this"; Following yet another tragedy involving the maladjusted striking out both at targets and innocent by-standers this week at Uvalde, Dan Bongino discusses Secret Service Analysis of the "targeted violence" with introspection from his experience with the Secret Service, psychology training, and interest. Dan's been rather good lately... He grows on ya!
Dan Bongino channel, Rumble [LINK]
"Just How Common Are School Shootings?"
"...school shootings are so rare that in the United States in 2021 there was one school-shooting death for every twenty-three million Americans . By comparison, approximately one in 350,000 Americans drowns each year. " So mathematically, your kids are at least 66-times more likely to drown that be shot at school.
Ryan McMaken, for Mises Wire [LINK]
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I've moved my financial services business from public to private. Learn how government policy like regulations and taxes can be kicked to the curb!
What is the term for someone telling you things, some true, some not, designed and intended to lead you to such end that benefits them rather than you?
[see end of email for the answer]

Be brave enough to start an important conversation:


What's "civilized" about being armed? Because in a world not-so-far-distant, you couldn't hide on the opposite end of the internet in anonymity and say "anything that came to mind". It fostered a convention known as "respect" and "manners", because people were well acquainted with "consequences".
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A few years ago, you probably believed most things that you heard from "official sources". How's that working for you these days? Regardless of the political party or affiliation, those in "leadership" are clearly chasing selfish goals. If you want freedom, you'll need to stand as one of "we the people" and speak up.
Classic Tee $21.99 USD
Unisex Zip Hoodie $36.99 USD

MoneySmart Chapter Tours

Having more money to manage is matter of the habits you use to manage the money you have! Check out the MoneySmart online chapter tours here:
A: loaded (and deadly)
A: "manipulation"
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