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That which threatens your freedom...

I've posted in social media about this topic, but as our current "federal administration" further endangers our sovereignty and freedom to choose what is best for ourselves as an independent people who chart their own destiny, it is well past the hour to be perfectly frank. Globalist organizations like the WHO and the UN have no authority over a sovereign nation, and to offer them any such thing from within the halls of "government" is treason. If they'd like to suggest ideas for the global community, they are welcome to gather, discuss, and hypothecate all they want.

However, once they begin dictating our choices for any proceeding, we will find that our children will learn of the reason, intellect, and urgency of the Second Amendment with their own eyes. Americans are not subjects. We are a nation "of the people, for the people, and by the people". We rule ourselves and answer only to God. Our fifty several (separate) states as nations, are "one nation under God", remember?
Our nation has problems because "we the people" are not running government. Apparently, we have forgotten how and are resistant to re-learn how:
Why is obesity the number one health issue in America?
Staying fit and health also takes too much work to do otherwise!
We can't sign a ballot, elect a rep, and have them solve all our problems... therefore real solutions don't interest the masses who want a PILL, a simple solution for everything. Seeing and examining just how corrupt the system has gotten is too painful for many, they can't believe it, and are rarely stalwart enough to assist with solutions. And the solutions need more numbers of intelligent, reasonable, determined men and women willing to enact effective solutions.

Sending another to do the job and handle the business of our nation has got us into the festering bucket of fish left to rot in the sun that we have now; and it stinks. Change must come from the "we the people" in resisting any tyranny, deign to consent to their "patterns, policy, and practice" pursued in error, and learning to pick up the mantle of our government and guide our "employees", our public servants back to serving the people in honor. They won't do it left to their own devices; there's far too much money to be extorted from the "sheep". That which threatens your wealth, threatens your freedom; and vice versa!

"...local governments, like every other §1983 "person," may be sued for constitutional deprivations..."

I've learned recently that holding them accountable for the error and fraud of their established "patterns, policies, and practices" has been argued before. It's called a "Monell Claim", and with "government" agents and agencies committing fraud and trespass as often as they breath in and out, it's time to dog-ear corners and fray some pages in this writ:

Monell v. Department of Soc. Svcs., 436 U.S. 658 (1978)
"Local governing bodies (and local officials sued in their official capacities) can, therefore, be sued directly under 42 USC §1983 for monetary, declaratory, and injunctive relief in those situations where, as here, the action that is alleged to be unconstitutional implements or executes a policy statement, ordinance, regulation, or decision officially adopted or promulgated by those whose edicts or acts may fairly be said to represent official policy. In addition, local governments, like every other §1983 "person," may be sued for constitutional deprivations visited pursuant to governmental "custom" even though such custom has not received formal approval through the government's official decisionmaking channels." Pp. 436 U. S. 690-691.

Their tendency to overstep their authority is why every officer elected or appointed is to have both an "oath" on file and a "bond" to back up their deeds while in office so that they are not without an opportunity for redress of grievance and remedy to trespass.
One of the biggest hurdles we face to enacting such change is the need to overcome an "employee mentality". From age 4 or 5 we're ushered into school and taught to "submit to authority" rather than question it. "Why is it this way?"... "Why?"; the foremost question of three and four year-olds of every nation, creed, and people and we "culturize and program" it out of them. Man is made to question authority; it is precisely how we improve everything.

Unlearn showing up at a given time and place to have another in authority tell you what to do, for how long, precisely how you are to do it, and when you'll be permitted to leave and get on with what's left of your life. See your world, identify problems, envision solutions, segment the tasks, count the cost, and begin moving from point A to point B. I only caution what should be obvious, "trespass nor damage any along the way, and have a care for your fellow man and brother". Now, get moving and stop waiting for someone to tell you "you're permitted and licensed"... Go!

One drop doesn't do much, unless it's applied by many clouds across a sky for 40 days and nights... then, it can change the world. Don't be a drip, commit to being one a member of the storm.
When the "Consumer Price Index" (CPI) is calculated, Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) value a basket of common goods tracked over time. What does BLS change between today, and the 1990, and 1980 standards that influence "the numbers"?
[see end of email for the answer]
If you find this interesting or helpful, please share it.
Here's some more worthwhile information:
"Cycles are driven by credit"
Yet another "master class" on why currency and money are different animals and have no business breeding nor "cohabitating". The reasons why inflation is effectively nearly 17% annually (1908's based CPI) is the flawed monetary policy that introduces more currency than can be accounted for "true value" in the system.
Alasdair Macleod, on Goldmoney Insights[LINK]
"Understanding the Explosiveness of Silver..."
Patrick Kareem discusses comparing fiat currencies to other forms of value including stock indexes and physical money, gold, and silver over history. Strap in and hang on; the ride is about to begin.
Patrick Kareem and Andrew Maguire,
Host: Shane Moran on Kenesis Money [LINK]
"Student Loans and Government Subsidies: Another Government "Benefit" Creates Financial Chaos";
Governmental programs like this one, not only channel billions in "currency backed by nothing of value" into our economy, driving further inflation, but also "chain U.S. Citizens" as dependents upon government "services".
Joe Harmon, narrator: Michael Stack [LINK]

MoneySmart Chapter Tours

Having more money to manage is matter of the habits you use to manage the money you have! Check out the MoneySmart online chapter tours here:
Trading Time-for-Dollars has it's Limits!
Consider a business model where
the work stays done & keeps working!
MoneySmart Guide to Wealth
The Federal Government serves the 50 several states of the united States of America as a "government service corporation". What is the name of the contract under which these government service providers serve?
[see end of email for the answer]

A few handy freedom tools:

WTPUnInc: Lawful Charges Toolkit

WTPUnInc: Lawful Charges Toolkit
Holding public servants or other trespassers responsible can be a complicated organizational nightmare. In one of my cases: a full-time job for over two weeks. These tools keep you organized, simplify preparation and presentation, and make your case easier to justify. Spreadsheet tools make data-entry, sorting, cataloging, and reporting easier than writing, more organized than working on paper!

Bundled (4) Tools $75.00

"Freedom is Everything" (red)

Everything you love hinges upon your liberty, your freedom to pursue and obtain it. That concept in the USA has been so entrenched for so long, that some don't realize how different life would be if the terms of their life were dictated to them. Stand. Let your voice be heard. (gold color: discontinued)
Classic Tee, $21.99
TeeRanter Patriot apparel from $21.95

A: basket contents
A: The Constitution
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