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Continuing the discussion of June 3, 2022

This topic represents much of the "heavy lifting" involved in the claim I'm currently working on; work that has demanded a great deal of my time and attention lately. Approaching 250 hours of work, over 60 pages for only the claim, with as many pages of supporting documents, it's a major endeavor. You can be assured that if I need to correct the actions of the people elected, assigned, and paid to do such job so miserably, that I'm going to bill them handsomely for my time and associated civil fines for trespass.
We the People, UnInc., education and guidance to "escape" such abuse.
Government has no authority to "trespass or damage" the people or their property, so they assign us a "vessel" which they control, condition us to "answer for it", and write law that equates our responsibility to their responsibility as a "servant and public employee"... in order to levy fees, fines, penalties, and in effect "legally loot our vessel". They have no authority over "men and women", so they created a "thing" down down at their level as a servant that they can control. Have you found it curious that "identifying as being something other than a man or woman" has gained so much traction lately? Our public servants owe men and women, "the people", of our nation a great deal of service. Because, if you aren't one of "we the people", they owe you nothing. I hope you continue to "identify as..." a man or woman and thereby retain the opportunity to reclaim your rights as men and women.

A maxim of law is a "settled matter"; there is no argument or discussion which can be made, except if the particular maxim applies to the matter at hand. The "principle" has been decided and upheld to where these are hallmarks of "right and wrong", for lack of a better description. There exist such maxims in each area of law. The one in play here is "you control what you create", and government created a "vessel" to which they've trained U.S. Citizens to respond and for which they expect such to "assume responsibility". To resist such, one must know and be able to defend "who one truly is".

What is "legal" is related to "legis", what is agreed upon or "is written". "Legislation" is the writing of a man or assembly for which others are held responsible. They write things down and presume you are obligated to abide by them, however, in many cases, what they are writing doesn't actually apply to you but to the "vessel" that government created; and they "control what they create", with fervor in some cases.

"Lawful", by comparison, is based on LAW which came from God. In effect, God instructed man in the "conventions by which large groups of his children could live together in peace without killing one another"... and expected us to learn and live by those statutes established with the "wisdom and foresight of God". Much of it boils down to this: "you are free to do and pursue whatever pleases you until you trespass another's rights or damage them or their property"; such is called "crime".
"Jurisdiction" deals with the type of LAW with which you are dealing. The three main types are (1) Equity Law (property - land), (2) Trust Law (air), (2) Contract Law (water). L - land, A - air, and W - water; that's where LAW comes from. Knowing and working effectively in the proper jurisdiction involves an education with the "diction" or terminology for the right law or "juris" with which you are dealing. Mixing jurisdictions can make a mess of things and undermine the points of any case you are trying to support. The "land and soil" or property is where the power of the people lays, so they removed us from it by dragging everything into "contract law", the admiralty of the sea, which, by established contract known as "the Constitution for the united States of America", they have the right to regulate and control.
From the notes and writing of David Straight:
[with my notes in blue]

A Roman Court does not operate according to any true rule of law, but by presumptions
of the law. Therefore, if presumptions presented by the private Bar Guild are not
rebutted they become fact and are therefore said to stand true [Or as “truth in
commerce”]; Truth by contract; that is "a contract to which you agree by acquiescence, or by not contesting"

5. ...Attendance to court is usually invitation by summons. Unless the summons is rejected and returned, with a copy of the rejection filed prior to choosing to visit or attend, jurisdiction and position as the accused and the existence of “guilt” stands... presumed to accept a position (defendant, juror, witness) and jurisdiction of the court. [So much for being innocent until proven guilty...]

6. ...one who attends Court is presumed to be a thing [property] and therefore liable to be detained in custody by “Custodians”. [This includes the dead legal fiction non-human “PERSON” that corporate-governments rules and regulations are written for.*] Custodians may only lawfully hold custody of property and “things” not flesh and blood soul possessing beings. [I challenge you to find a code or statute that is written which specifies behavior or actions of "a man or woman" or "people" rather than those of a "person" or "persons". This is a system of semantic deceit by which terms used mean one thing in your mind and something completely different in a courtroom before the "law", or more accurately legal statutes. "Ignorance of the law is no excuse", right? Your "person" is your office, by which you authorize business transactions, and more to the point, the "vessel" assigned you by the government which is NOT you, but for which, by convention, custom, and conditioning many U.S. Citizens continue to assume responsibility.]

7. ...as a “resident” of a ward of a local government area and have listed on your “passport” the letter P, you are a pauper and therefore under the “Guardian” powers of the government and its agents as a “Court of Guardians”... [they regard you] "by default a pauper, and lunatic" [incapable of speaking for yourself and managing your own affairs. They have left us with little other choice but to use Federal Reserve Notes, which are not money, having no intrinsic value to transfer in trade, being only "bills of credit" which are prohibited by the Constitution. Using such entangles us in using their "currency" as a means to "tender debt to later settlement", a service of limited liability, and therefore using their services, we acquiesce to their "rules". Not capable of managing your own affairs is how the judge will lobby, sometimes forcefully, to have you elect "counsel" which not only operates under oath to the BAR Guild, but would hold power of attorney to sign you over to incarceration so they can loot more money from you.]

8. [The court presumes]... you accept the office of trustee as a “public servant” and “government employee” just by attending... because you “appeared” [The presumption stands] unless... openly challenged to state you are merely visiting by “invitation” to clear up the matter and you are not a government employee or public trustee... one of the main points by which the court claims jurisdiction... [The BAR Guild courts today are not the Title 1 or 3 courts that "we the people" are owed. They are BAR Guild business meetings running on Roman System rules of presumption to conduct "private BAR guild business" by which they pull your vessel into their territory and loot it. While government can regulate commerce, they cannot interfere in it, and these courts, like much of what we think of as "government today", are for-profit government service corporations complete with principals, boards, owners, and "revenue". These courts are operating in commerce, for profit!]

[end presumptions of the BAR Guild, #5-8 of 12] Don't miss the last 4 next week!

Don't forget, no matter how much money you have or think you have, our Federal government has involved itself in everything "commerce". If they are authorized to put your "tax refund" into your account, they can as easily take money from your account. Look up back around 2008 the stories on Greece and 2013 in Cyprus (it's called a "bail-in" rather than "bail-out".) They credited the banks and government from account holder's balances. That was the "test-subject". If you aren't free to do, go, and plan as you please, no amount of money will buy your freedom. The time to get active in defending your rights is yesterday. Without freedom, there is no wealth, only servitude or slavery. FREEDOM is everything.
Challenge: "Jurisdiction" and "venue" are different concepts, often confused and deliberately exchanged by the BAR to further such confusion. Which one is related more with your "location"?
[see end of email for the answer]
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I've moved my financial services business from public to private. Learn how government policy like regulations and taxes can be kicked to the curb!
When you receive a court summons in the mail, which of the operators commonly associated with "you" is actually being summoned?
(1) your living being, (2) your officer, or (3) your vessel
[see end of email for the answer]

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A: venue
A: your "vessel"
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