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One drop... an idea worth $27,865

...at least in this example. One drop in the grand scheme won't seem to affect change by itself. However, if it's applied by many clouds across a sky for 40 days and nights... it can change the world forever. Not an April fool's joke either.

The idea that our singular efforts have no effect on our world is naïve and ill-informed. It's precisely what those who hope you remain depressed, silent, and complacent hope you'll come to believe.
"one drop" graphic design merch
The following image is a printout from one of my recent projects. It allows one to easily exchange for a balance due in Federal Reserve Notes, a weight in precious metals of your choosing based on agreed market prices.
(R-click the image and choose "open in new tab" to view larger.)

Net a 65.5% discount by planning ahead...

The example above illustrates using the tool to save 65.5% on the purchase of a high ticket item, a new car for example whose purchase price is $42,500 USD. First, The key factor to taking advantage of such power is you must plan ahead and convert paper currency to lawful and honest money before you need it. That involves some financial skills and discipline that frankly, most people do not posses, and many don't even comprehend; and becoming MoneySmart is easier than ever!
If you have read my recent posts, you know that the US Dollar (FRN) has lost 98% of its purchase power over the past 109 years. The central banking cabal are frantically working on a "digital currency" replacement that will extort more purchasing power from your "money" and allow them additional controls over what you buy and when you can buy it.
Second, you must find a merchant that will agree to such a trade... with USD currency losing value, finding a merchant who will accept an offer for a commodity that's gaining value shouldn't be overly difficult. You can expect the idea to remain novel for a while until it begins to "rain" a bit harder, certainly longer than 40 days. How much effort would you exert to keep someone from extorting money from your bank account? ...that's what the central banking cabal is doing. So, start now to prepare and protect yourself, and discuss the idea in your social circles.
...and that's where many drops of a cloud covered sky come into play. Understanding the idea yourself and introducing others to such an idea will have many people discussing and using such strategy until it's no longer novel, not unusual, but common. The "dollar" was defined in the Coinage Act of 1792 as a weight of silver based on "what the people were using in trade". If we expect to retain the value of what we earn, to thwart the efforts of those who will gladly continue to extort us, then we "the people" will need to take a similar approach.

Here's how I expressed in on a recent social media post. Feel free to copy and past it to spread that message.
#Fascism, the merging of state and corporate power, is blooming in front of our eyes. Trade and business #LOCAL removes YOUR DOLLARS from THEIR SYSTEM. https://rant-a-saurus-rex.creator-spring.com/listing/loc....... Support small and locally owned #business, where MOST of America works! Corporate national and international chain stores pull #money from your community and bear little regard for you in their corporate decisions. It's no small project to switch banks, but Fed-banks are who's behind most of the #tyranny. Consider a local and state chartered bank or credit union. Using credit creates more M3 currency and increases #inflation. Pay down #debt and use cash. Hit corporations in the wallet where they'll feel it!
We can "end-run" their unlawful and dishonest system; then they won't have the power to abuse our money and trade any longer. Their system is going to crash, a crash has been immanent for decades, and when it does you'll wish you would have prepared if you haven't prepared beforehand.
One side of this "sporting contest" is going to win, the other will lose. There are no trophies in this league for "showing up". So, here's the payoff: total out of pocket cost: $14,635; a 65.6% savings over the $42,500 purchase price. But, you don't get to take advantage of strategy such as this if you don't understand it, you don't believe it, and you don't prepare for it.

Stop sitting the bench; get in the game.
What is a "lawful US Dollar" made of?
[see end of email for the answer]
If you find this interesting or helpful, please share it.
Here's some more worthwhile information:
"...Russia appears to be initiating a squeeze on gold derivatives in Western capital markets...forcing the unfriendlies into buying roubles... inflation problems faced by the West will be ameliorated by a strong rouble."
A discussion of Socio-political and economic impacts of the conflict in Ukraine with insights on cultural differences. "War leads to unintended consequences... oil, natural gas, wheat, corn... nickel, copper, and gold at record highs or nearing records.. leading to a stunning rally and likely other unintended outcomes.
(Dan Oliver)
"The Greenback is no better than candy wrappers." (with no candy) Countries all over the world are losing confidence in the US Dollar. Russia makes the case for owning Gold "and nobody noticed".
(Mike Maloney & Adam Taggart) [LINK]

MoneySmart Chapter Tours

Having more money to manage is matter of the habits you use to manage the money you have! Check out the MoneySmart online chapter tours here:

Trade with Real Money

"No state shall... emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts..." And yet they have, it has ruined our currency, and undermines our financial security. This is how the world recovers.
Trade with Real Money
What is the official "weight" of the US Dollar as declared in the Coinage Act of 1792?
[see end of email for the answer]

Speaking of changing the world...

WTPUnInc: Lawful Charges Toolkit

Holding public servants or other trespassers responsible can be a complicated organizational nightmare.  In one of my cases: a full-time job for over two weeks.  These tools keep you organized, simplify preparation and presentation, and make your case easier to justify.  Spreadsheet tools make data-entry, sorting, cataloging, and reporting easier than writing, more organized than working on paper!


Buy now
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A: 471 4/16 grains
A: fine silver
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