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We the People...

Kudos to Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) for calling "foul" on the Disinformation Governance Board. If those in Washington were the least bit interested in your freedom, your happiness, or your success, they wouldn't even think such things, let alone propose them for implementation and assign a leadership role to someone to "lead the charge".

This is Nina Jankowicz, the new face of fascism and oppression. You have to be a special brand of ignorant or power-hungry to take the key job for oppression in 21st Century America. "Have you ever read the Bill of Rights?" ... is a question that comes to mind.
Nina Jankowicz,
former advisor to Ukraine...
what could possibly go wrong there?
My question for you this week is, "whose job, whose responsibility is it to call "foul" on the "government" when they are moving in error toward some policy or some goal?"

"Our elected representatives!"... right? That's why we elect them, to represent our views. How's that working for us over the past few decades? Feel free-er lately? Is your paycheck or wealth stretching farther over things like filling your gas tank? Are you comfortable speaking about topics which might be controversial in public places where you might be overheard? I met friends for breakfast this morning, so that one is fresh in my mind... And one just to put a burr under your saddle, "what are you doing about any of it?"

We the People... are government. We should stand and call "foul" when there are problems; period. In fact, we are empowered to do so with the foundation of how our country was constituted! The problem is, the people who are running "government", making up the rules that benefit themselves and undercut our rights, control the money, the banks, the information, and the education system. If you don't think they are working to keep you ignorant so they can continue to railroad you further into a system of extortion and exploitation; then you simply aren't paying attention.
The People's civil side of government is called your "state assembly". Early in our history before the civil war, this was common knowledge. However, we lost so many leading men and women to the civil war, once hostilities ended, the assemblies fell into disfunction. They didn't have anyone who knew how to run them, if there was anyone to run them, and people weren't involved to populate the "people's government". Today, we've seen the need for such involvement, staring us in the face daily, and all 50 states once again have a functioning "people's assembly". If you want to be involved, I encourage you to get involved. The assembly needs your voice, your energy, and your intellect.

How powerful is that idea? If you make the effort to correct your "status", one the abilities you can access is to bypass a "law suit", which is to "petition" for a redress of grievance through the court system (run by guess who...), and rather directly bill the offender because those in office serve "under contract" with both an "oath and a bond" backing up their deeds in office. If you're a "We the People", you can just bill them for the trespass! They have a "price list" published in the United States Code; 18 USC ยง3571: Sentence of Fine. Your state has a similar list. Public servants have an insurance policy in case they screw up and step on the toes of your rights. "Well, not much of that going on lately... who would need to know such things?" Why haven't you heard of this? ...I wonder. (no, I don't).
Again, I ask rhetorically, "what does this have to do with financial literacy, money, wealth, investing, and wealth management?" If you aren't free to manage it as you see fit, to grow it so that you are capable of doing more, or free to decide what you can or should do with your financial energy... then does any of it matter? When you aren't free, you won't have it, let alone be allowed to decide what to do with it. Maybe you'd enjoy buying Facebook, or putting a mining operation out on the asteroid belt... We are currently limited to the resources available on Earth, after all. Those with vision understand "it doesn't have to stay that way..."

Freedom is EVERYTHING.

See this and other patriotic designs
on Spring.com
Despite the lack of education or training on how to properly manage civil government, what class of political actors should be calling out "errors" of government?
[see end of email for the answer]
If you find this interesting or helpful, please share it.
Here's some more noteworthy information:
$44-billion price tags... no, inflation isn't that bad yet, but there are billionaires taking a front-line stance on free speech, and Elon Musk has got a few dollars to spend. Here is a related story on why commodities, the building blocks of manufacturing, are becoming so important and why "real property" over financials is going to be huge. Stefan Gleason, SilverSeek. [LINK]
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Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO)... condemns... Disinformation Governance Board. Could 1984 and Brave New World politics be any more obvious? Apparently we cannot be trusted with "free-think". Still think these people are in Washington to "serve" the people? (on a platter; maybe...)
Breitbart News [LINK]
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Crisis and repair of the banking system is a "topic of discussion". If you read my recent comments on the fragility and instability of both the monetary and banking systems lately, here's a bit of proof.
Alasdair Macleod, GoldMoney Insights [LINK]
Comments on Infation from Alasdair Macleod [AUDIO]
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dpRE PMA banner
I've moved my financial services business from public to private. Learn how government policy like regulations and taxes can be kicked to the curb!
The process of 12 people on a jury determining both the "facts" of the case, the "law" which applies, who could decide that such "statute" is unconstitutional, therefore "void", and is required to be eliminated, is a process called _____ ________ .
[see end of email for the answer]

Merch helps keep your eye on what's important:

"One Drop"

"One drop can move the whole pond!" Never think that your effort doesn't count for something. Elon Musk wasn't always a billionaire capable of changing the political climate in a few days. He didn't always have a ride into space either...
"One Drop" from $21.99 USD
others at TeeRanter Patriotic Store

"3.5M Square Miles"

Created originally in response to a Governor plowing sand into a skate park on private property during a "pandemic", it's truth rings loudly again with the sovereignty of "free speech" on the chopping block and a "governing board" to make sure you "right-speak".
"3.5M Square Miles" from $21.99 USD
others at TeeRanter Patriotic Store
A note on the price of "merch": I've been told, "I like your designs and what you have to say, but paying over $20 for a t-shirt is tough."

I do realize that, however, these custom designs aren't printed in a lot of 500,000 over the sizes that sell best at Walmart and then distributed among 10,500 discount stores shipping 50 shirts to each store with a truckload of other goods on which the retailer makes a larger profit. These are printed one-at-a-time, to order, shipped to you in it's own package. There is no "economy of scale" to spread production cost over thousands produced.

There is just no market for "an intelligent message" in the Walmart shelf-space. These are "messaging tools" that you can easily spark a conversation over... it's an effort to raise awareness, to improve cultural intelligence, in order to save a country. You'll likely never see my designs on anyone but yourself unless you made the effort to share the link with them. They're unique, and powerful. That's the best I got at this point.

MoneySmart Chapter Tours

Having more money to manage is matter of the habits you use to manage the money you have! Check out the MoneySmart online chapter tours here:
A: "We the People"
A: jury nullification
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