
Hello, Subscriber!

"War is upon you, whether you would risk it or not."

"War is upon you..." is a line from "The Two Towers", part II of the "Lord of the Rings" Trilogy that Aragorn, or "Strider", a ranger and future King of Gondor, delivers to the King of Rohan when forces are encroaching on his territory and people. Such predicament brings to mind the anecdote wherein one stands by watching trespasses on another saying to themselves, "it's not my business" only to find some weeks, months, or years later that they are now the victim trespassed and wondering in silence or screaming "why doesn't someone do something!"

"Hello, Someone!"

Your world, your community, your friends, your family are under attack. It's not an attack of a nation and it's Marines storming the beaches. It's an undermining of your freedom, rights, and property; see the linked articles this week for such related stories. It is well past time to take a stand.

It's time to pick a front to defend and man the wall. I don't condone violence, but there is a time when faced with violence and threat you must make a decision and take a stand. Either you abandon your community, friends, and family to the abuse, aggression, and perhaps violence of those who won't be dissuaded by reason, or you defend yourself and those you love.
  • The Great Reset is coming for your wealth, property, and money
  • Christian communities and ideas openly under attack
  • Free Speech and Truth is targeted
  • Fossil fuels and your car scheduled to be outlawed by 2030
  • The food and water supply is being compromised
  • Lab-engineered "virus" (poison) is released upon the world
  • a MRNA gene therapy bioweapon; people shed "spike protein"
  • Licensing of society - passports and chips for access
  • and there's more that won't fit in one newsletter...
They are knocking at the door... if not now, it will be your door soon. Evil such as what is unleashed in the world today isn't satisfied without a target. Once they consume their current target, they'll be looking about for the next that doesn't "fall in line" with their agenda; and they'll eventually come around to you. There's no such thing as "live and let live" with that brand of Evil.
So, I encourage you to pick a hill on which to plant your standard and prepare to defend. With money, especially real money, is the power to put plans into action toward whatever goals you choose. I encourage people to choose worthy goals. Matthew 20:15 "is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good?" As for myself, my knowledge is with financial literacy and lately, the power and rights of "We the People" as creators of government; we are to govern ourselves. I was given enough ability to write and relate ideas despite a reading deficiency and remedial reading back as far as grade 2. "The pen is mightier..." and so forth. What can you do?

With the dominion given you as a "man or woman" over the Earth with which God entrusted us, we have an immense amount of power to pursue judgment in righteousness backed by God's spirit and directive. Get to your Bible program or online source, do a search for "judgment", and do a little reading. The prophets ask repeatedly, "wherein is judgment?", "where have you come to the aid of those oppressed and at risk" (paraphrased).

James 4:7 "... resist the devil and he will flee from you."
Habakkuk 1:4 "Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth."

"...the law is slacked and doth never go forth..." why isn't there justice? When has anyone you "elected" stood for justice, and stood in the right status to resist it? The inmates run the asylum and very few object!

With the united States of America, We the People are government. We created a society of free people with no Master but God, that create government to enforce laws that we write and oversee so that evil deeds and doers are kept at bay. We have been lax in that responsibility and the employees we contracted for that job have assumed management, insisting they are government when in fact we are government. You cannot look at the "President" and expect him and his agencies to "do something" when you are the sovereign, you are king, it's your country, your people, the enemy is at the gate, and the inmates running the asylum are a great deal of the problem!

It's time to pick a hill and stand vigilant;
or are you resigned to be the slave just as they see you?
Many times the prophets in the Bible speak in a particular voice. Whose voice do prophets often speak in when beginning with, "Thus saith..." ?
[see end of email for the answer]
If you find this interesting or helpful, please share it.
Here's some more worthwhile information:

Video: Watch the Water

Video interview of the research that links the world-wide attack upon man. Dr. Bryan Ardis with Stew Peters on RedVoiceMedia.com
"...Spike protein plays key role..." "The paper, published on April 30, 2021, in Circulation Research, also shows conclusively that... the SARS-CoV-2 virus damages and attacks the vascular system on a cellular level" quoting earlier research and accepted dats on "SARS-CoV-2’s distinctive “spike” proteins help the virus infect its host". Dangers of "inhalation or skin contact" are documented by Pfizer in company vaccine trials.
[Simone Gold] [Salk Institute] [LINK]
"How ‘15 Days to Slow the Spread’ Became a Year"
Now Biden extends "mask mandates" for travel on buses and planes... again.
[] [LINK]
Free speech and truth has been under attack for decades now, first from the shadows behind the technology, then directly on social media qualifying what you can or can't say as "PC". In the linked story and video: "Elon Musk offered to buy Twitter for ~$43 billion... [believing] its potential to be the platform for free speech around the globe... a societal imperative..."
"Many venues, restaurants, bars, concert halls and museums, across the US are requiring visitors present their vaccination status in order to enter the building." "...can be inserted to allow people to scan to gain access into buildings to lockers." What will they attach permission to next? Your bank account? Your digital wallet? Your passport? The ignition of your car? Your authorization for employment?
[The U.S. Sun] [LINK]
Christian farmers killed, Priests targeted, churches burned... Muslim herders land grab [by] horrific measures... [by a] notion that they are superior to those whom they consider ‘infidels’... the excuse to rid the country of anyone they see as a threat to their goals... for the last 20 years,” Elites in government and corporate powers worldwide display similar views.
China's "Uyghurs" related: [CBS] [LINK]
[Breitbart] [LINK]
Russell Brand runs us through another review of the Great Reset wherein you will either 1) donate your property and wealth for the "greater good", 2) relinquish it out of necessity lacking any choice, or 3) have it taken from you by those who don't deem you worthy to have it.
Naomi Klein [LINK]
Russel Brand [vid. 12:14] [LINK]

Trade with Real Money

"No state shall... emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts..." And yet they have, it has ruined our currency, and undermines our financial security. This is how the world recovers.
Trade with Real Money

"Worse than 1929"

When the eye-wall of the inflation and debt storms hit, it will be like nothing we have ever seen. 1929 was just a warm-up... Survival will demand two things:
1. manage well what you have
2. supplement your main cash flow
See: Chapter Tours & Guide to Wealth. People you know will need these skills!
Trading Time-for-Dollars has it's Limits!
Consider a business model where
the work stays done & keeps working!
MoneySmart Guide to Wealth
MoneySmart Cover front 2ndEd x400

MoneySmart Chapter Tours

Having more money to manage is matter of the habits you use to manage the money you have! Check out the MoneySmart online chapter tours here:
If attacks and aggression are increasingly less often nation to nation, what do you call such treatment of one association or group of people toward another?
[see end of email for the answer]

A few handy "Financial FREE-bee" tools:

xls: MS Auto Mile Log

xls: MS Auto Mile Log
My gift to you...Thanks for visiting!  Keep an Auto Mile log as a handy text file with comma separated values on a convenient device and have the spreadsheet automatically calculate your mileage records for you!

$10.00 $0.00

Buy now

xls: MoneySmart Pies and Percentages Worksheet

xls: MoneySmart Pies and Percentages Worksheet
My gift to you, thanks for visiting!
Intended for homeschool, a simple spreadsheet you don't have to create, but can use immediately; reinforcing many concepts.  The opportunities for teachable moments are numerous!

$10.00 $0.00

Buy now
A: The Lord
A: Class Warfare
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