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There's a new post available in the blog at davidpandone.com. You might find information that can help you hone your financial skills, increase your earning potential, or avoid a catastrophic financial event. If you find it helpful, be sure to share it with people that are important to you.
When silver is exposed to sunlight, what is released? (think: "solar panels")
[see email end for answer]

Net-negative Interest

A concept the Fed doesn't get: "If your outflow exceeds your income, the upkeep will be your downfall." -Bill O'Brien

Feature image: by Sammy Xu on Unsplash

Author: David P.
Net-negative Interest

The most prescient info at davidpandone.com

Things you really should know in this economy and point in history.
For math skills of 10th graders worldwide, where does the U.S. currently rank?
[see email end for answer]

The MoneySmart focus is financial literacy:

How MoneySmart are your kids?

Imagine that you had a 20 to 30 year head start on the financial understanding you have currently. Would you have saved more? Would your investment accounts be larger, more secure?
A: electrons
A: 36th
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