
Hello, Subscriber!

Smoke and Mirrors:

In one story included below, the editors over at SchiffGold.com note that Central Banks "bought more Gold to close out 2021"... this as they've been touting for years that gold is an "ancient relic" and isn't valid in the "modern economy". Such viewpoint is consistent with the perspective from "Keynesian Economics", named for John Maynard Keynes, and "modern monetary theory" (MMT) each of which holds core beliefs that influencing the supply of currency and the interest rates can solve the world's financial problems. This ignores the basic tenet that the more currency that is made available chases what often accompanies such a climate, limited available goods, in which excess currency pushes up prices. Increasing prices are then a symptom of inflating the currency supply, not inflation itself.

With the central banks, the Federal Reserve in particular, shoveling liquidity on loan to the banking sector in the "billions of dollars per day" for months on end, and the government blessing "pandemic relief" to pay people further billions to produce nothing of value in order to stay at home rather than work, we realize we are in a unique and rare time in history. Get educated, and be prepared.

In this issue:

Don't miss the "Financial Free-bees" offered below. Useful especially for homeschool lessons; because math makes more sense when its related to real-world application! The U.S. is currently ranked 36th for 10th grade Mathematics skills! Let's make sure it doesn't stay that way or get worse.
An urgent message:
A sad fact in America is that many people aren't just broke, meaning they have no money or wealth that they can manage, but also in debt; which is to owe that for which they are working to someone else instead of self and family before they even receive their paycheck. That's the reasoning for my graphic at right. The largest part of the solution is financial literacy, and that has been my mission since I began to write MoneySmart... back in 2009.
My hope is that I can help those who need such help to understand the difference between cash flow and money management, help them learn to manage what they have so that they have more to manage, and then help them pass on their skills to others they are close to who are likely to be in similar financial straights. We are called to be "good stewards". You can help, and it won't cost you a thing...

As you read the dp Newsletter and access it's linked interviews and articles, your financial literacy will improve. I know: as I listened to these types of resources my financial literacy improved; it's why I share them in the newsletter! As you become familiar with the tools, courses, and publications I offer, share them with those that might be interested, would benefit from such encouragement, or may need our help.

The U.S. National Debt hit Thirty-Trillion this past month (usdebtclock.org). That's "thirty-million-millions" or $30,000,000,000,000. When you divide that by the U.S. population (~332,547,000), each man, woman, and child's share of that debt is $90,213; and the Bank-sters intend to hold each of us responsible to pay that and then some. I never agreed to stand as surety for the debt racked up by irresponsible politicians; did you?

Those people don't want us free, financially independent, or, as they've displayed for all to see recently, to even to own our own property... They benefit from the system as is, are only motivated to dig the hole deeper, so, it's up to us to solve the issue. Step-One is to elevate financial literacy so the Bank-sters can no longer "baffle us with barn-biscuits". So, share your knowledge, use the tools I provide, and lead others to where they are educated and edified.

The country and its government belongs to the People; act like it.
The fraudulent and underhanded practice of paying those first enrolled with enrollment fees from the greater number of "late-comers" is known as: _______.
[see end of email for the answer]
If you find this interesting or helpful, please share it.
Here's some more worthwhile information:
Jim Rickards reviews definitions of recessions and depressions and by definition, we've been in a recession since 2008, and have likely started a "greater depression" than the Great Depression of 1929. Like 1929 to 1939, it will play out over time; perhaps 10-30 years. The point? Normal has changed. [LINK]
An image of...
With a good synopsis in print by his staff, Peter Schiff's points on why debt and inflation create a house of cards with a stiff wind on the way! (related VIDEO) "...Government [debt] has turned the dollar into monopoly money propped up by a massive Ponzi Scheme." [LINK]
"Central banks globally added a net 14.2 tons of gold to their reserves in December, according to the latest data from the World Gold Council. Central bank gold buying was up 82% year-on-year." An interesting note considering they keep telling "the rest of us" that there's nothing to see there... What do they know that they aren't telling us? Is the currency doomed? [LINK]
Dipping into last year's vault to look back on predictions from today's perspective, Gerald Celente, publisher of Trends Journal, associates the "connectivity" of the state of our economy and culture. When small business goes under, less travel, less shipping, less flights, less fuel, less rent, less electricity, less jobs, less groceries sold... it's all connected! [July 2021] [October 2021]

Net-negative Interest

A concept the Fed doesn't get: "If your outflow exceeds your income, the upkeep will be your downfall." -Bill O'Brien

Feature image: by Sammy Xu on Unsplash
Net-negative Interest

"Worse than 1929"

When the eye-wall of the inflation and debt storms hit, it will be like nothing we have ever seen. 1929 was just a warm-up... Survival will demand two things:
1. manage well what you have
2. supplement your main cash flow
See: Chapter Tours & Guide to Wealth. People you know will need these skills!
Trading Time-for-Dollars has it's Limits!
Consider a business model where
the work stays done & keeps working!
MoneySmart Guide to Wealth
MoneySmart Cover front 2ndEd x400

MoneySmart Chapter Tours

Having more money to manage is matter of the habits you use to manage the money you have! Check out the MoneySmart online chapter tours here:
The Federal Reserve Note "U.S. Dollar" is no longer backed by anything of value. It is "legal tender" by decree, as are all currencies of all other sovereign countries around the world. What is the name for this type of currency system?
[see end of email for the answer]

A few handy "Financial FREE-bee" tools:

xls: MS Auto Mile Log

xls: MS Auto Mile Log
My gift to you...Thanks for visiting!  Keep an Auto Mile log as a handy text file with comma separated values on a convenient device and have the spreadsheet automatically calculate your mileage records for you!

$10.00 $0.00

Buy now

xls: MoneySmart Pies and Percentages Worksheet

xls: MoneySmart Pies and Percentages Worksheet
My gift to you, thanks for visiting!
Intended for homeschool, a simple spreadsheet you don't have to create, but can use immediately; reinforcing many concepts.  The opportunities for teachable moments are numerous!

$10.00 $0.00

Buy now
A: a ponzi scheme
A: fiat currency
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