
Hello, Subscriber!

One drop...

One drop can move the whole pond, and over the last months I've very much felt like one lonely drop wishing for some fellow drips to join the downpour. Finding our nation and countrymen in general sliding down the slippery slope, I've found I've needed to preemptively defend my own freedom. Several others seeing my work have approached me and asked for ideas and guidance. To that end, I've teamed with some fellow patriots to further our general education level.
Tonight, Thursday 2/8 at 6:00 PM we are hosting an education discussion with matters of "law" and "legality" (NOT the same).

We're still meeting on ZOOM presently, changes needed and on the way.

We've decided to review the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the 12 Presumptions of "Court" as foundations, and we'll likely make docs available for review in order to prep good questions and discussion.

If you don't know your rights, you effectively don't have rights... you cannot defend yourself against those intent to trespass your rights if you don't know and cannot tell when those rights are being "trod upon".

Share this message with others who might be interested in attending, especially if your schedule doesn't permit you being with us.

Join URL:
Meeting ID: 833 7068 3272
Passcode: 145494
question #1
True or False: "You're innocent until proven guilty in our present "courts" system."
If you find this interesting or helpful, please share it.
Here's some more worthwhile information:
The Twelve Presumptions of Court [LINK] or [pdf]
Are you aware that the members of the BAR Guild, a professional association run for profit predetermines much of your case before you even walk into the court room? What they "presume" is going to shock you!
Holding the IRS Accountable [LINK]
This post is the fruit of the larger project last year. One of my private clients had me help him respond to the IRS (this series), and we're currently preparing a claim based on what we learned. "You probably don't owe and aren't responsible for federal income taxes".
I know I've picked up some subscribers that have been wondering "where the newsletter is...", and some followers who undoubtedly wondered where the newsletter went. In the past 15 months or so I've had people come to me for help, and its kept me very busy. This newsletter in 2022 wasn't generating much readership, neither the level of response and feedback that I had hoped for from the readers, and didn't seem to generate any referrals to sales either... "So, why am I spending time on this?"

That's where I was when last I regularly attended this newsletter. My apologies if any actually reading it found they missed it... It is likely that I shall use this platform for updates to my interests and activities, whatever they may currently be, whenever I get the itch... rather than investing time to a weekly or daily periodical. It just doesn't make sense at this point.

If you still open these service emails (I do see the reports) know that I appreciate your interest and would look forward to your response and comments. I know I should get better with social media and this particular marketing avenue... though, I think I still have much to learn herein.

question #2
The phrase, "... it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government..." appears in which of the documents mentioned earlier that we intend to review?

A few handy freedom tools:

WTPUnInc Lawful Charges Toolkit

If you're looking to turn the tables on the usurpers and encroachers of your rights, organizing a logical "claim" in an "Administrative Judicial Proceeding" is a good way to defend yourself; defense by means of effective offense. With this set of tools, it's much easier than it sounds.


Buy now

MS AgAu Pay Sheet

xls: MS Ch4-5 Multi-Income Workbook
With the U.S. Federal Reserve Note losing value hand-over-fist, over 98% in purchasing power since the inception of the Federal Reserve, and speeding up, it might make sense to have a mechanism and learn how to "trade and barter" items of real value. While this tool is designed to grade gold and silver, any items of value can work... "cigarettes in the FEMA camps", perhaps...

now $25.00

Buy now
A: Q1: False, you're present to be charged.
A: Q2 Declaration of Independence
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