WTPUnInc: Lawful Charges Toolkit


Holding public servants or other trespassers responsible can be a complicated organizational nightmare.  In one of my cases: a full-time job for over two weeks.  These tools keep you organized, simplify preparation and presentation, and make your case easier to justify.  Spreadsheet tools make data-entry, sorting, cataloging, and reporting easier than writing, more organized than working on paper!


Are you intent on holding public servants or others trespassers of your rights responsible for their actions?

You’re going to need some organizational tools; being disorganized will make your preparation more difficult, and make your case harder to justify.  Three spreadsheet-based tools make data-entry, sorting, cataloging, and reporting easier than writing everything, and much more organized than working on paper!

Public servants of the government service corporations rack up trespasses and charges as often as they breathe in and out!  Government organizations elect to incorporate primarily to avoid being criminally charged for all the mistakes they make.

TOOL #1:  Civil Charges Itemized

A spreadsheet database of charges, fines, and violations:  First, sit and think through what happened and what was wrong with how your were treated or trespassed.  If you’re tracking offenses perpetrated on a paper document (like an unlawful bill), number the offenses and correlate them in the item “#” column.  Enter the civil trespass from your published fee schedule, with the trespass code, and begin to find and record the Federal, State, Constitutional, and God’s Law violations.  When it’s time to organize, sort using the sort buttons, sort functions, or subtotal functions of the spreadsheet.

TOOL #2: Time on Task Log

Activity log with time and document charges calculator:  The people trespassing your rights aren’t likely working for free, you shouldn’t be working for free under such need to defend yourself: bill them for the time and production.  How many documents do I need to generate to support this claim?  Am I acting under a deadline, facing fines, demands, and therefore working “under duress”?  When did I start?  When did I quit?  How many documents did I generate during that time?  How about an option to sort them in order by date, by the order they were generated, or by how much time you have invested in each one?  You can do all that with a spreadsheet elapsed time and production costs calculated automatically.  I recorded and assigned such macros to sort buttons, hopefully they survive the transfer to whatever platform you run the spreadsheet on.

TOOL #3:  Custom Invoice

A custom invoice that automatically calculates totals:  Once you have all your data organized, it’s handy to use the Civil Charges (#1) spreadsheet to subtotal the charges.  A trespass of mail fraud can apply 8 to 10 times or more, so you list it once on this invoice, enter the “counts”, the charge value, and the invoice multiplies, subtotals, and adds it automatically.  Updates are also calculated automatically.  This tool can be customized with your own logo and contact information.

TOOL #4:  Interest Calculator Statement

A spreadsheet-based statement renders balance and interest:  The standard banking procedures follow that if not paid within 30 days the balance is past due.  Track the interest rate you set, over the custom period you set to calculate interest, and the sheet calculates periodic interest, periods, dates, interest charges, payments, outstanding balance on a given date, and all automatically.  You can also select the dates to print by “filtering” results (instructions included) and send monthly statements with outstanding balance, any payments made, and calculated interest each month!


NOTE:  The files are presented without warranty or guarantee that its design, programming, and intended function will survive when translated over various platforms. Some design elements such as macros may require additional set-up and some elements may not survive across platform formats at all (such as “sort” buttons). These were created to give the end-user a “head start” on useful tools that they don’t have to envision, design, and assemble before they can be used.  Download limit: 3; link active: 1 day.

Additional information


Most spreadsheet programs will identify previous entries and offer you the option to simple hit "enter" and copy what had been entered in cells from other rows. Much less typing with repetitive entries!

Sort Functions:

Working on paper makes sorting to find similar entries, total counts of violations, and related statutes from similar areas of the code a logistical nightmare. Sort and subtotal functions of the spreadsheet organize related cells in seconds. If your program and format successfully transfer the sort buttons with associated macros, it's just the push of a button!


The spreadsheets are programmed to calculate subtotals, interest, counts, and other mathematical functions automatically.


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